Family Law

Family Law Covers a Broad Range of Issues Including Divorce

Our mediators are Tennessee Supreme Court Certified and participate in pre-suit mediation, court order mediation and post dissolution mediation.

Mediation is available before the filing of a Divorce Complaint. In addition a Marital Dissolution Agreement can be filed with the Divorce Complaint, avoiding unnecessary costs that contested divorce litigation can have. When a marriage comes to an end, it is best if the terms of the divorce are agreed upon, otherwise when a contested divorce that goes to trial, property, custody, child support and visitation will be decided by a Judge.

More often than not, after filing of a Divorce Complaint, the Court will Order mediation in an attempt to allow the parties to settle the contested issues prior to trial.

Post dissolution issues arise at times as a result of changed circumstances, particularly with respect to child support and custody issues. Voluntary mediation is the most effective method to resolve these issues that minimize emotional and psychological harm.